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Agrovoltaics, the key balance between the agricultural sector and solar power generation

“If the sun were a day laborer, it wouldn’t rise so early”, croon the protagonists of the acclaimed and award-winning film ‘Alcarràs’ (2022), directed by Carla Simón, which portrays one of the current crossroads faced by many areas of rural Spain,such...
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Introducing Verdian, a 100% renewable energy producer which aims to develop 3GW in Europe

Verdian’s current pipeline already has 800MW of capacity sourced both in-house and from acquisitions at “ready to build” phase Glennmont Partners from Nuveen (“Glennmont”), one of Europe’s leading clean energy fund managers, has launched Verdian Power (“Verdian”), a new independent power...
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1101 BA Amsterdam, Netherlands

Passeig de Gracia 50 5º Planta
08007 Barcelona, Spain


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